
Menampilkan postingan dari April, 2019

review journal

Resyi fatmawati English Education Department 17 Assalamu'alaikum, hallo everybody in this opportunity I would like to share you about review of my international journal still about mnemonic method for teaching vocabulary. Review of the Related Literature            Similar to many other aspects of language pedagogy, not a perfect orthodoxy of results has been found in the literature of the studies that are done on the mnemonic key word method and its differential impact is yet to be explored. A relatively long time ago, Atkinson and Raugh (1975) conducted a research on the effectiveness of the key word method for vocabulary development in Russian as a non-Romance language. The key word method proved to be highly effective, resulting for the most critical test a score of 72 percent correct for the key word group compared to 46 percent correct for the control group. LaterLater, a similar finding was reported by Pressley et al. (1982) who compar...

research finding

English Education Department 17 International journal-Research finding Resyi fatmawati Assalamu'alaikum Well hallo people, welcome back to my blog. In this opportunity I would like to continue my review of international journal. In this post I gonna tell you about research finding. Research Finding The finding of the research shows that one of learning vocabulary through mnemonic  keyword  method  can  enhance  vocabulary  mastery  to  the  university students. This can be seen from the result analysis of tests, observation checklist, and a questionnaire done throughout the research. The results of the students' questionnaire about their response to the use of mnemonic keyword method in learning vocabulary indicates that such vocabulary learning model brings good impact to students in some aspects which are as follows; 1. The students had high motivation in learning vocabulary. With the employed keyword       ...