
Menampilkan postingan dari Desember, 2019


Assalamualaikum Hallo everyone, welcome back to my personal blog. In this opportunity I would like to review the content YouTube that I have chose. The review is about sociolinguistic. I chose the content YouTube from VOA Indonesia about cinta Laura. Cinta Laura is an Indonesian-germany person. Her father is from german and her mother is from Indonesia. Cinta Laura lives in Indonesia. But, now She lives in abroad to study. She studies ini Columbia university and she graduated cumlaud. Because of her father from german and her mother from Indonesia and she lives in America, She is one of multilingual person. She can speak germany, Bahasa Indonesia, and English. But, She often speaks english and Indonesia rather than germany. This causes her to use code switching andacode mixing when She speaks. According to the video that I have watched, She uses code mixing when She communicates each others. For example She speaks, "I am really happy karena aku orangnya work hard bang...