

 ASSALAMU'ALAIKUM WELL HALLO PEOPLE  WELCOME TO MY CLASS In this opportunity, we will learn about the different kind of greeting card ( perbedaan tipe dari greeting card). greeting card is a card that we write to a person on a certain occation. jadi, greeting card adalah kartu yang kita tulis untuk seseorang diwaktu tertentu. misalnya: birthday, mother's day or to conratulate someone. tujuan dari greeting card adalah: to congratulate someone (untuk mengungkapkan selamat kepada seseorang, to express hope and wishes ( untuk mengekspresikan harapan), dan to express sympathy ( untuk mengeskpresikan simpati terhadap seseorang. 1. greeting card to congratulate someone (untuk mengucapkan selamat terhadap seseorang). di greeting card yang pertama, penulisnya adalah zifa. zifa mengirimkan surat ucapan selamat kepada Ganjar. menagapa? karena Ganjar telah memenangkan juara pertama dalam perlombaan membaca sebuah berita.zifa juga memngungkapkan bahwa dirinya senang atas kejuaraan yang dir...


Assalamualaikum Hallo everyone, welcome back to my personal blog. In this opportunity I would like to review the content YouTube that I have chose. The review is about sociolinguistic. I chose the content YouTube from VOA Indonesia about cinta Laura. Cinta Laura is an Indonesian-germany person. Her father is from german and her mother is from Indonesia. Cinta Laura lives in Indonesia. But, now She lives in abroad to study. She studies ini Columbia university and she graduated cumlaud. Because of her father from german and her mother from Indonesia and she lives in America, She is one of multilingual person. She can speak germany, Bahasa Indonesia, and English. But, She often speaks english and Indonesia rather than germany. This causes her to use code switching andacode mixing when She speaks. According to the video that I have watched, She uses code mixing when She communicates each others. For example She speaks, "I am really happy karena aku orangnya work hard bang...

metodology of second journal

Resyi fatmawati English Education Department 17 Methodology of second journal. Method Participants This study was conducted with 50 (24 males and 26 females) primary school students who were studying at 5th grade in Javanrood, a city in Kermanshah province of Iran. The age range of the participants was from 10 to 12. They were all native speakers of Kurdish, none had studied and learnt English before, and none of them had any previous exposure to English. The subjects were randomly assigned into experimental and control groups. Materials Twenty-five English words as the target vocabulary items were identified by the researchers. The English target words were of approximately the same or similar pronunciation to the Kurdish key words (e.g. „Pillow‟/ˈpɪl oʊ/, Kurdish key word: „پیالو‟/ˈpɪl aʊ/). A group of experienced (native Kurdish) EFL teachers judged the appropriateness of the English words and the Kurdish equivalents for teaching to fifth graders. The researchers constructe...

journal gaps

Resyi fatmawati English Education Department 17 Assalamu'alaikum, hallo everyone, welcome back to my blog. In this occasion I would like to deliver about my second journal. But before continue to second journal, I would like to share you about the gaps betweeen first journal and the second journal. The first about the simmilarity. The title of first journal is about  enhance for vocabulary master through mnemonic keyword method  to the university students. The second journal is about the effect of mnemonic keyword method on vocabulary learning and long term retwntion. Also both journal are about mnemonic keyword method for learning vocabulary. The second, the differences between first and second journal are about the contents. The contents of first journal are abstract, keyword, introduction, related literature, research methodology, research finding, and conclusions and suggestions. The contents of Second journal are abstract, introduction, review of related li...

review journal

Resyi fatmawati English Education Department 17 Assalamu'alaikum, hallo everybody in this opportunity I would like to share you about review of my international journal still about mnemonic method for teaching vocabulary. Review of the Related Literature            Similar to many other aspects of language pedagogy, not a perfect orthodoxy of results has been found in the literature of the studies that are done on the mnemonic key word method and its differential impact is yet to be explored. A relatively long time ago, Atkinson and Raugh (1975) conducted a research on the effectiveness of the key word method for vocabulary development in Russian as a non-Romance language. The key word method proved to be highly effective, resulting for the most critical test a score of 72 percent correct for the key word group compared to 46 percent correct for the control group. LaterLater, a similar finding was reported by Pressley et al. (1982) who compar...

research finding

English Education Department 17 International journal-Research finding Resyi fatmawati Assalamu'alaikum Well hallo people, welcome back to my blog. In this opportunity I would like to continue my review of international journal. In this post I gonna tell you about research finding. Research Finding The finding of the research shows that one of learning vocabulary through mnemonic  keyword  method  can  enhance  vocabulary  mastery  to  the  university students. This can be seen from the result analysis of tests, observation checklist, and a questionnaire done throughout the research. The results of the students' questionnaire about their response to the use of mnemonic keyword method in learning vocabulary indicates that such vocabulary learning model brings good impact to students in some aspects which are as follows; 1. The students had high motivation in learning vocabulary. With the employed keyword       ...

review of Research Methodology

Hallo everyone.. welcome back to my blog. In this opportunity I would like to share you about research methodology of my international journal that I have read. In this methodology, the researcher used classroom action research, the spiral model as suggested by Kemmis and Taggart (1988) with the spiral some steps: (1) identification of the problem; (2) planning in action; (3) implementation of action; (4) observation and evaluation; (5) analysis and reflection. In collecting the data the researcher uses quantitative and qualitative data to know the enhancement student’s vocabulary mastery. The research instruments of this study are consisted of tests, observation checklist, and a questionnaire. That's All about research methodology in my international journal which I Have read. I do hpe this methodology can be useful in the future as a teacher. Thank you for reading... :)