journal gaps

Resyi fatmawati
English Education Department 17

Assalamu'alaikum, hallo everyone, welcome back to my blog. In this occasion I would like to deliver about my second journal. But before continue to second journal, I would like to share you about the gaps betweeen first journal and the second journal.

The first about the simmilarity. The title of first journal is about  enhance for vocabulary master through mnemonic keyword method  to the university students. The second journal is about the effect of mnemonic keyword method on vocabulary learning and long term retwntion. Also both journal are about mnemonic keyword method for learning vocabulary.

The second, the differences between first and second journal are about the contents. The contents of first journal are abstract, keyword, introduction, related literature, research methodology, research finding, and conclusions and suggestions. The contents of Second journal are abstract, introduction, review of related literature,  method, result, discussion, and conclusions and implications. In second journal there is no research finding but the researcher use hypothesis and also in the second journal the material is more described.

That all about the gaps between first and second journal...
Thanks for reading...
