Education syatem
Well hallo people Welcome to my fourt post Every country has a different curriculum or different education system,because of these differences I would like to share you some differences between education system in Indonesia and Arab Saudi. The first, elementary school in Arab saudi. Some children in Arab saudi usually enter the school when they 6 years old till 12 years old by some subjects are like Arabic language, Geography, Art education, pysical education, Math, economic management for woman, Islamic learning and science. Than in Indonesia some children can enter an elementary school when they at 7 years old by the subjects Indonesian, science, social, Math, PKN, art, psycal education, even English. The second, junior hight school in arab saudi. Some children who graduated from elementary school usually enter at junior hight school when they 12 years old by the same subject as they was in elementary school by adding English. Then In Indonesia some children enter the junior hi...