Education syatem
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Every country has a different curriculum or different education system,because of these differences I would like to share you some differences between education system in Indonesia and Arab Saudi.
The first, elementary school in Arab saudi. Some children in Arab saudi usually enter the school when they 6 years old till 12 years old by some subjects are like Arabic language, Geography, Art education, pysical education, Math, economic management for woman, Islamic learning and science. Than in Indonesia some children can enter an elementary school when they at 7 years old by the subjects Indonesian, science, social, Math, PKN, art, psycal education, even English.
The second, junior hight school in arab saudi. Some children who graduated from elementary school usually enter at junior hight school when they 12 years old by the same subject as they was in elementary school by adding English. Then In Indonesia some children enter the junior hight school when they 13 years old, in Indonesia there are many majors in the school are like science and socail major. There are many subjects do they learn because Indonesia use full day school system, that why many students are getting tired in studying.
The third, senior hight school between Indonesia and Atab saudi. In Indonesia there are many senior hight schools and vocational hight schools. But In Arab Threre are 2 majors such as department of religion and general department. At department of religion they study about Arabic, Al-qur'an, and fiqih. Then general department they usually study about technic of machine, math, science, and pysic.
The fourth, university in Indonesia and Arab saudi. In Indonesia there are a lot.of universities as In another country such as Gajah mada University, Padjajaran University, University of Indonesia, an so on. But the unique one in Arab saudi the University was built by one family of Saud, as King Abdullah University, King Abdul Aziz University, and king fahd University of petreleum and mineral. Because Arab has much gasoline, that why King fahd made university in order to manage portion of it.the student foccus on learning of managing the gasoline. Wah, you can see guys,,what if freeport is managed by us? I think Indonesia will be growing uo as Arab saudi. Under graduate and post graduate in Indonesja and Arab saudi are same it through S1 is 4 years and S2 is 2 years. And for S3 in Arab saudi, it's through 3 years by the essential the student must make some research in public it to International journal. I think In Indonesia does it too, some student must make research before graduating.
Welcome to my fourt post
Every country has a different curriculum or different education system,because of these differences I would like to share you some differences between education system in Indonesia and Arab Saudi.
The first, elementary school in Arab saudi. Some children in Arab saudi usually enter the school when they 6 years old till 12 years old by some subjects are like Arabic language, Geography, Art education, pysical education, Math, economic management for woman, Islamic learning and science. Than in Indonesia some children can enter an elementary school when they at 7 years old by the subjects Indonesian, science, social, Math, PKN, art, psycal education, even English.
The second, junior hight school in arab saudi. Some children who graduated from elementary school usually enter at junior hight school when they 12 years old by the same subject as they was in elementary school by adding English. Then In Indonesia some children enter the junior hight school when they 13 years old, in Indonesia there are many majors in the school are like science and socail major. There are many subjects do they learn because Indonesia use full day school system, that why many students are getting tired in studying.
The third, senior hight school between Indonesia and Atab saudi. In Indonesia there are many senior hight schools and vocational hight schools. But In Arab Threre are 2 majors such as department of religion and general department. At department of religion they study about Arabic, Al-qur'an, and fiqih. Then general department they usually study about technic of machine, math, science, and pysic.
The fourth, university in Indonesia and Arab saudi. In Indonesia there are a lot.of universities as In another country such as Gajah mada University, Padjajaran University, University of Indonesia, an so on. But the unique one in Arab saudi the University was built by one family of Saud, as King Abdullah University, King Abdul Aziz University, and king fahd University of petreleum and mineral. Because Arab has much gasoline, that why King fahd made university in order to manage portion of it.the student foccus on learning of managing the gasoline. Wah, you can see guys,,what if freeport is managed by us? I think Indonesia will be growing uo as Arab saudi. Under graduate and post graduate in Indonesja and Arab saudi are same it through S1 is 4 years and S2 is 2 years. And for S3 in Arab saudi, it's through 3 years by the essential the student must make some research in public it to International journal. I think In Indonesia does it too, some student must make research before graduating.
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