synopsis of book
Hallo this opportunity I would like to share you about the motivation book. This book can motivate you how your subconsious mind works. This book was created by Mr Joseph Murphy. This book has 20 chapters with 171 pages by the title 'The power of your subconsious mind'.
It is for the express purpose of answering and clarifying the above ques-
tions and many others of a similar nature that motivated me to write this
book. I have endeavored to explain the great fundamental truths of your
mind in the simplest language possible. I believe that it is perfectly possi-
ble to explain the basic, foundational and fundamental laws of life and of
your mind in ordinary everyday language. You will find that the language
of this book is that used in your daily papers, current periodicals, in your
business offices, in your home and in your daily workshop. I urge you to
study this book and apply the techniques outlined therein; and as you do,
I feel absolutely convinced that you will lay hold of a miracle-working
power that will lift you up from confusion, misery, melancholy and failure,
and guide you to your truer place, solve your difficulties, sever you from
emotional and physical bondage, and place you on the royal road to free-
dom, happiness, and peace of mindThe unique feature of this book is its down-to-earth practicality here you are presented with simple, usable techniques and formulas, which you can easily apply in your workaday world. I have taught these simple pro-
cesses to men and women all over the world; and recently over a thou-
sand men and women of all religious affiliations attended a special class in
Los Angeles where I presented the highlights of what is offered in the
pages of this book. Many came from distances of two hundred miles for
each lesson. The special features of this book will appeal to you because
they show you why oftentimes you get the opposite of what you prayed
for and reveal to you the reasons why. People have asked me in all parts
of the world and thousands of times, “Why is it I have prayed and prayed
and got no answer?”
In this book you will find the reasons for this common complaint. The
many ways of impressing the subconscious mind and getting the right an-
swers make this an extraordinarily valuable book and an ever-present.
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