my experience in reading

Hallo everybody..
In this opportunity I would like to share about my experience after reading some blog posts of my friend and my own blog posts
First, I get some valuable things that I can learn from my friends' blog. That's teach me how to be a responsible person, how to get success with dream, and how to be a confidance person.
Second, I get some valuable things from my own review book. The value that I got is we  have to think positively, because our subconsious mind is the builder of our action for example: if we think we can't it could be true that we can't  and the act we will get lazy. So that we have to be positive thinking and always be grathefull, always ask for health, happiness.
So, if you want to be success people you have to be positive thinking and also you have to say 'I can'. And hard work. Because your subconsious mind also is a machines of your action.

Thank you for reading..
Hopely my suggestion can be your motivation and can motivate you to get what you wanna be.
