
Menampilkan postingan dari Februari, 2019

International journal

English Education Departement 17 Resyi Fatmawati Assalamualaikum everyone welcome back to my personal blog in this opportunity I would like to share you about my review of International Journal. Before goin' to my explanation about the International Journal, I would like to share you the components that you must know before writing a journal, they are: 1. Tittle of journal 2. The Author's name 3. The Author's E-mail 4. Abstract 5. Keyword 6. Introduction 7. Discussion 8. Research methodology 9. Research finding 10. Conclusion and suggestion 11. References        All right, after knowing those components, I would like to tell you the review of an International journal which I have read. This journal was written by Intan susana. She was a student of STKIP PGRI Blitar, She has written a journal research by the title, "Enhancing for Vocabulary Master Through Mnemonics Keyword Method to the University Students".     Introduction   ...