International journal

English Education Departement 17

Resyi Fatmawati

Assalamualaikum everyone welcome back to my personal blog in this opportunity I would like to share you about my review of International Journal. Before goin' to my explanation about the International Journal, I would like to share you the components that you must know before writing a journal, they are:
1. Tittle of journal
2. The Author's name
3. The Author's E-mail
4. Abstract
5. Keyword
6. Introduction
7. Discussion
8. Research methodology
9. Research finding
10. Conclusion and suggestion
11. References

       All right, after knowing those components, I would like to tell you the review of an International journal which I have read. This journal was written by Intan susana. She was a student of STKIP PGRI Blitar, She has written a journal research by the title, "Enhancing for Vocabulary Master Through Mnemonics Keyword Method to the University Students".


           Everybody wants to master of English, there are many kinds to learn English such as Reading, Writing, and Listening. Basicly the students should master  vocabulary in English. As a lecture, absolutelly we should know the strategies to teach vocabulary in order to creat a learning is not bored. Probably the lecture can use game as a method of learning.
           At this Journal, there is a unique game named mnemonic method. Mnemonic is a memory enhancing technique usually use to improve rhe initial learning for university level. Mnemonic also can help the students remember the vocabulary more effectivelly and easily by using a visual picrure or letter.

Oke, maybe that's all about my review of Intan susana's journal. I hope this review can make you know  the method of teaching vocabulary.

See you...



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