Literature review

 English Education Department    

Hallo everyone, in this opportunity I would like to continue about the journal that I have read before. In this post I would like to tell you the literature review.

          Mnemonic instruction is a way to help students remember information/vocabulary more effectively and easily. It involves linking unfamiliar to be learned information with familiar already known information through the use of a visual picture or letter/word combinations. “(Amiryousefi and Ketabi,S.2011), Mnemonics is a memory enhancing instructional strategy that involves teaching students to link new information taught to information”. there are many kinds of mnemonic approaches, the one that has long been used to teach vocabulary is called the keyword method by Atkinson in1975. The keyword method is a technique (form of mnemonics) commonly used to learn vocabulary words. It takes unfamiliar information and makes it more meaningful and concrete and thus, easier to remember. the steps to remember the new vocabulary word and meaning.
Nation (2001, p.313) writes that the keyword method has been compared in experiments with:
1. Rote learning.
2. Use of pictures.
3. Thinking of images or examples of the meaning- instantiation-context-the unknown word is placed in sentence context and the meaning of the word is provided.                           4.   added synonyms-the meaning is accompanied by other known synonyms.
5.   guessing from context.

          When developing a keyword strategy you should follow the 3 R’s: reconstructing, relating and retrieve (Mastropieri, 1988). The use of the 3R’s is as follows:
a. Reconstructing: Coming up with a keyword. Something that is familiar to the student          easily pictured, and acoustically similar (sounds like the word to be learned).
b.  Relating: Next, link the keyword with the definition of the new word in a picture.
c.  Retrieve: Lastly, teach the learner the process of how to effectively go through the steps      to remember the new vocabulary word and meaning.

Oke, that's All about the literature review that I've read. I Wish this post will be usefull for you
