
Menampilkan postingan dari Mei, 2019

metodology of second journal

Resyi fatmawati English Education Department 17 Methodology of second journal. Method Participants This study was conducted with 50 (24 males and 26 females) primary school students who were studying at 5th grade in Javanrood, a city in Kermanshah province of Iran. The age range of the participants was from 10 to 12. They were all native speakers of Kurdish, none had studied and learnt English before, and none of them had any previous exposure to English. The subjects were randomly assigned into experimental and control groups. Materials Twenty-five English words as the target vocabulary items were identified by the researchers. The English target words were of approximately the same or similar pronunciation to the Kurdish key words (e.g. „Pillow‟/ˈpɪl oʊ/, Kurdish key word: „پیالو‟/ˈpɪl aʊ/). A group of experienced (native Kurdish) EFL teachers judged the appropriateness of the English words and the Kurdish equivalents for teaching to fifth graders. The researchers constructe...

journal gaps

Resyi fatmawati English Education Department 17 Assalamu'alaikum, hallo everyone, welcome back to my blog. In this occasion I would like to deliver about my second journal. But before continue to second journal, I would like to share you about the gaps betweeen first journal and the second journal. The first about the simmilarity. The title of first journal is about  enhance for vocabulary master through mnemonic keyword method  to the university students. The second journal is about the effect of mnemonic keyword method on vocabulary learning and long term retwntion. Also both journal are about mnemonic keyword method for learning vocabulary. The second, the differences between first and second journal are about the contents. The contents of first journal are abstract, keyword, introduction, related literature, research methodology, research finding, and conclusions and suggestions. The contents of Second journal are abstract, introduction, review of related li...